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Title *
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This Agreement is made between the National Air Duct Cleaners Association (“NADCA”) and the undersigned person, who has agreed to serve as Committee member of NADCA.
The undersigned acknowledges that he/she will receive, and be in possession of, Confidential Information belonging to NADCA, and that “Confidential Information” as used herein includes all information that is disclosed, or observed or developed by him/her, in relation to his/her service to NADCA, which is not generally available to the public. Confidential Information may be marked as such, or communicated as confidential, however, whether identified as confidential or not, the following information shall always be considered Confidential Information: all financial, strategic, membership, employment, legally sensitive actions or negotiations, draft documents (including but not limited to contracts, standards, certification programs, policies, etc...) and operational information.
The undersigned agrees to keep all Confidential Information confidential, and that such information will not be photocopied or otherwise reproduced or communicated, nor shall it be disclosed to any other persons without NADCA’s prior express written consent. The undersigned agrees that Confidential Information shall only be used solely for NADCA’s benefit and to that end agrees to adopt reasonable precautions to guard against unauthorized release of such information.
The undersigned understands and agrees that the obligation not to use or disclose Confidential Information shall survive the period for which service is provided to NADCA, and shall continue for as long as the information remains confidential. The undersigned also agrees that all information and/or material developed by the undersigned person relative to his/her service to NADCA, or otherwise contributed to NADCA, shall be and/or become the sole property of NADCA and the undersigned agrees that he/she, and his/her employer (if applicable), shall have no further rights or interest therein. The undersigned agrees that he/she will only contribute appropriate information to NADCA and that he/she is authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of himself/herself, and to the extent necessary, his/her employer.
The undersigned understands that any committee volunteer who is absent from two consecutive meetings of the committee shall, unless such absences are excused by the Committee Chair with due cause, be deemed to have resigned from the committee.
Name *
Company *
Address *
Primary Area of Expertise *
Related industry affiliations (ie. IAQA, Member, RIA, IICRC, none, etc.) *
Additional skills that may be relevant to NADCA (ie. Public speaking, training, etc.) *